It's safe to say that longtime creators and friends, Jessi Smiles and Lily Marston, have seen quite a lot during their almost decade long careers on the interne...
217 - Anna Paul's TERRIBLE Response + Why Is Everyone Talking About The American Woman in Pakistan
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In today's episode, we kick things off with a celebration because we are officially one step closer to finally being free from Janet's wrath (and lawsuits)!! IF YOU WANT A MUCH MORE IN DEPTH BREAKDOWN OF THE JANET COPYRIGHT CLAIMS BOARD SAGA... your wish is our command and it will be an extra bonus episode this month over at
By the way, ICYMI, friend of the show, Janet, is a lawyer we called out over a year ago due to her questionable use of the copyright system. Her response? To try and use the copyright system to have it removed, of course! (and sue us in federal court too, just for good measure). And while it may have taken a literal year, the girlies can finally cross at least ONE Janet headache off the list because the copyright claims board has officially ruled in favor of the girlies, confirming that we were indeed protected by fair use (duh) and dismissing the case with prejudice (that means she lost and can't try again) SO THAT MEANS.... ONE DOWN, ONE TO GO! We'll keep you posted on the other case... praying for an update sometime... this year... hopefully.
Anyway, as for topics, today we are back with the update that everyone was waiting for... for days... because Anna Paul finally broke her silence to address the recent allegations against her. Well, some of them at least... a little bit. And then Jessi breaks down why everyone has been talking non stop about the American woman in Pakistan... who is she? why is she there? why won't she leave? why are there literal press conferences being held to answer all of these questions? honestly, still not entirely sure.
We Love the Internets:
00:00 Janet Copyright VICTORY
17:01 Anna Paul Finally Responds
1:10:20 American Woman in Pakistan
1:33:38 We Love the Internet
We hope you enjoyed this episode! Please let us know on Twitter or Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for next Sunday! (@lily_marston & @jessismiles__)
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
216 - Woman Loses $800K to INSANE AI Brad Pitt Scam Artist + Twitch Streamer Exposed for CHEATING on GF
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In today's episode, we first breakdown the drama going down with Twitch streamer "HansumFella" after his girlfriend and fellow influencer, Haley Sharpe, exposed him for cheating on her. Then we have yet another relationship drama... kind of... except this one is about a woman who believed she was in a serious relationship with .... Brad Pitt. Serious enough that she was willing to give "Brad Pitt" almost 1 million dollars.
00:00 Introduction
1:35 Twitch Streamer Caught Cheating
43:30 AI Brad Pitt Scam
1:09:55 We Love the Internet
We Love the Internets:
We hope you enjoyed this episode! Please let us know on Twitter or Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for next Sunday! (@lily_marston & @jessismiles__)
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
215 - Anna Paul Gets Exposed by Ex Best Friend + Ash Trevino's Bed Bug Issue
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In today's episode, we attempt to navigate through the rabbit hole of drama surrounding Anna Paul, her brother Attis, and their ex roommate/friend & ex girlfriend (respectively), Mikaela Testa. She is only the first to come out as more follow suit to recount their negative experience with the siblings - but Mikaela also specifically calls out Anna for running a lottery as a ploy to get her young subscribers to pay for her OF under the guise of having the chance to win money. But that seems to only scratch the surface of the issues that are popping up around Anna and even though this episode has a long update, we'll definitely be circling back once there are more developments. Speaking of circling back, we then revisit everyone's favorite hot mess, Ash Trevino... this time because of this disturbing video that revealed a possible bed bug infestation.
00:00 Introduction
2:12 Anna Paul Gets Exposed
1:13:43 Ash Trevino Bed Bugs
1:53:09 We Love the Internet
We hope you enjoyed this episode! Please let us know on Twitter or Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for next Sunday! (@lily_marston & @jessismiles__)
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
214 - Bride's Attempt at Exposing Photographer BACKFIRES + Resilient Jenkins Family Gets EVICTED?
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In today's episode, we've got another wedding themed TikTok drama after a bride tried to expose her photographer but may have left out a fewwww important details and let's just say, it didn't go quite as she had planned. Then we revisit the Resilient Jenkins family aka the couple with 4 (now 5 by the time we're posting this) children who all live in their cramped 1 bedroom apartment.
00:00 Introduction
3:23 Bride vs Photographer
44:34 Resilient Jenkins Gets Evicted
1:17:39 We Love the Internet
We Love the Internet:
We hope you enjoyed this episode! Please let us know on Twitter or Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for next Sunday! (@lily_marston & @jessismiles__)
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
213 - Molly Rutter Gets Caught LYING About Getting Hacked + TikTokers Reveal Lies Amidst TikTok Ban
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In today's episode, the girlies discuss the overnight TikTok ban and how it led a bunch of TikTokers to partake in a trend where they revealed past lies they'd told their audiences... some that people found funny and some... that people were not too happy about. Meanwhile, Molly Rutter claimed that her paycheck was 2 days late and her reaction was to cry to her audience and beg them to send her money. She later revealed that the late pay check was apparently not late and was actually stolen by a hacker who according to her, did so from ... Turkey, except for Turkey doesn't have PayPal... so needless to say, people had some... questions.
We Love the Internet:
00:00 Introduction
07:11 TikTokers Expose Their Lies
56:21 Molly Rutter Caught Lying
1:30:35 We Love the Internet
We hope you enjoyed this episode! Please let us know on Twitter or Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for next Sunday! (@lily_marston & @jessismiles__)
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
It's safe to say that longtime creators and friends, Jessi Smiles and Lily Marston, have seen quite a lot during their almost decade long careers on the internet, giving them a unique perspective on the topic of internet drama. And since there's not a whole lot going on in their own lives - join them every Monday & Friday because they'll be providing their profound insight and opinions on the latest internet happenings in their podcast, "DO WE KNOW THEM?" Because let's be honest, they probably do.